c'est comme _ça aux states

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c'est comme _ça aux states

Message par eric » Ven 31 Juil 2015, 21:47

https://www.full30.com/video/dc1c563aa6 ... ref=F530fb

à traduire:

> It’s a video from an
> officer's worn body camera. It takes place in a
> restaurant where the
> male officer wearing the camera approaches a theft
> suspect in the restroom
> of the restaurant and asks him to step outside.
> The male officer leads
> the suspect outside while a female officer escorts the
> suspect from
> behind. Once outside, the suspect pulls a gun and
> the male officer
> does what he is trained to do. Nice
> shooting.

> think 12 of the shots hit the perp! This shows
> the value of officer
> worn video cameras. This video shows just how
> fast it can happen out
> there. I
> don't think the female officer ever got a
> round off. If you don't
> want to see a perp getting what is coming to
> him, don't watch. Its a
> Glock doing what a Glock is designed to
> do!
entends le vent qui se lève sur l'europe éternelle, entends le tonnerre déchirer le ciel, les dieux nous appellent à défendre nos terres

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